Glass is class

A premium product as well as a Natural food should be packed in premium and environmentally friendly packaging. The first blue sky session about Manuka Emporium packaging was a no-brainer. ……….

Yes, plastic is cheap and New Zealand doesn’t manufacture glass jars so supply logistics need to be managed, but they aren’t good enough reasons to switch from doing the right thing. The round jar without the annoying shoulder which prevents you getting to all of the honey unless you use your finger is an added bonus!

We’ve been approached by half a dozen brands asking about supply and drawing upon our packaging inventory, and we always agree because promoting sustainable packaging is for the Greater Good and is doing the right thing. After all, “Glass is Class”. And, as consumers ourselves we prefer clear glass for its visibility, honesty and respect for our consumer.

It’s inevitable that the bigger brands will eventually respond to consumer sentiment and move to glass accompanied by messages about how ‘caring’ they are. ‘Nuff said….

Obviously, we are proud of our packaging, especially when the design has been awarded medals in New York and London. But, again, the consumer was at the heart of the design too - as proud Kiwis we used to send Manuka honey to friends and family overseas and, even though it was expensive, we always felt cheap because we were sending this superfood in square plastic jars with uninspiring black labels. Our friends overseas all savoured the manuka honey as something special and as a fine food, so we tell our story through a label that can proudly sit on the table beside fine wine and whisky. You know Manuka Emporium is going to be wonderful even before you taste the honey itself.


Our first vlog